Trumpington, Cambridge
Therapeutic Reiki Sessions in Trumpington, Cambridge
Do you feel like you have to pretend to mask all of this, and put on an act of having it all together?
Exhausting isn't it?
Welcome to Reiki Healing Space - a little sanctuary for you, with space and time away from the outside world to slip deeply into a state of calm and blissful relaxation. A place where you can take off the mask and let your shoulders drop.
Afterwards you'll feel back on an even keel. You'll re-enter the world feeling calmer, more at peace and better able to cope with life's challenges.
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful Japanese healing therapy which works on many levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Some of the many benefits you'll feel are:
A deep sense of peace and relaxation that you'll take away with you
A reduction in stress and anxiety, easing worries, tension and frustration
A release of heavy, stuck energy and painful emotions that you've been carrying
An easing of physical pain and promotion of physical healing
An increased sense of well-being, boosting energy and vitality
Regulation of your nervous system, allowing you to drop into 'rest and digest' state
A boosting of your immune system and your body's own natural healing
Feeling more balanced and grounded, and less reactive and triggered by events
A felt sense of connection to yourself and your body
Better quality, deeper sleep
And more...
Why not pop along to my lovely Reiki treatment room in Trumpington - a safe and confidential space for you to experience the gentle power of Reiki and all it's benefits for yourself...

Want to feel fresh and uplifted
through beautiful Reiki Healing?
Helping you melt away stress and heavy, tired energy.
Leaving you feeling lighter, calmer and taking life in your stride...
Are you tired of feeling tired?
Do you feel like you're carrying around a heaviness like a tonne of bricks?
Do you feel constantly on edge, anxious and stressed, and that you might snap at any given moment?
Do you feel overwhelmed with life in general and your never ending to-do list?

" I really felt the benefits during and after my Reiki session. It was very relaxing and relieved all tension from my body. I would highly recommend."

— Karen S.

"Warm, comfortable room with no background chatter.
Felt very relaxed during treatment, felt energized, a quiet easy calm...would definitely recommend."

— Kate T.

Hi there...
I'm June, a qualified Reiki Master based in Trumpington, Cambridge. I'm here to help you find a deeply relaxed state and healing through Reiki. For whatever reason you seek treatment, you'll find a welcoming, supportive and confidential space here.

What Can I Expect During a Reiki Session?
I'll always talk with you before a treatment to get clear on what you need help with. We can discuss any areas of pain or discomfort that need attention.
You'll lie on a therapy table, fully clothed with a blanket and piIlow to keep warm and comfortable. I'll work from your head down your body, placing my hands in correspondence to the chakras (energy centres). I'll also move to where I feel drawn and to any problem areas we've talked about.
I use a combination of hands on and hands off healing. This means that at some points my hands will be placed directly on your body and at others will be above it.
I usually play background music and have some candles burning during a session, to create a lovely relaxing space for you.

How Will Reiki Make Me Feel?

During a Reiki session you'll often feel a deep sense of calm and relaxation. You may experience unexpected sensations such as warmth, coolness, or tingling. You might see colours, patterns or light. This of course varies from person to person and indeed from session to session.
It's quite common for people to drift in and out of sleep during a session. Sometimes people will feel emotions rising up to be released as energy is moving and shifting. You may also feel this release in the days following a Reiki session. Please don't worry about any of this as it's quite normal to feel this way and it's not a bad thing.
I always advise anyone having Reiki to just be open to whatever you experience as it'll be very unique to you. Some people feel the effects more subtly, but please be assured that Reiki is always working and going where it needs to go.
Reiki always works for the greater good and can do no harm. Your body will take what it needs and whatever you experience is right for you at that time.
What Should I Wear for a Reiki Session?
It's best to wear loose, comfortable clothing for your Reiki session - nothing too tight or restrictive. Wear clothes that allow you to fully breathe and relax.
I also recommend removing watches, jewellery or hair accessories that might either get caught or start causing discomfort during a session. Remember to turn off your mobile phone or put it on silent before the start.
I'll ask you to remove your shoes for a treatment and usually cover you with a light blanket. Please bear in mind that you can sometimes get quite warm during a Reiki session so you might want to wear layers rather than say, a thick jumper.

How Many Reiki Sessions Will I Need?
This really will vary from person to person and will depend on your reasons for seeking treatment and how you respond. One session of Reiki will always be beneficial, no matter the issues you're dealing with. Sometimes a standalone session is all that's required to help you feel better.
However, if you've a long-standing condition or quite a deep rooted issue, then I would suggest having a few sessions initially. You can do this over a month or two, see how you get on and go from there.
The benefits of Reiki often deepen with each session. You'll also usually find that you can slip more easily into a relaxed state each time.
Please note that you don't have to have a specific condition or illness in order to benefit from Reiki. Many people have Reiki on a regular basis because it helps to keep them feeling well and balanced. It makes it easier to cope with life's ups and downs without feeling overwhelmed. And it helps to keep your mental, physical and emotional health in good condition.
Please remember that Reiki shouldn't be used as a replacement for conventional medical advice, but rather in conjunction with and as a support to other treatments and therapies.
Member of the UK Reiki Federation