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Homemade Oaty Face Mask for Rosacea & Redness

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

This DIY face mask is great for calming Rosacea and redness in the skin.

You may balk at the thought of putting Apple Cider Vinegar anywhere near your skin, especially if it is sensitive - I would suggest that if you've never used it on your skin before or you are in any way worried, then dip some cotton wool in a solution of ACV diluted with water (about 1 part ACV to 3 parts water) and test on a small patch of skin first to see how your skin reacts. In the case of any adverse skin reactions then you can make the mask minus the ACV. Personally, I've found that it really helps to calm the skin but everyone's skin is different so it's best to err on the side of caution.


1.5 tablespoons Oatmeal (if you don't have ready made oatmeal then you can blast some oats in a blender until they have a fine, flour-like consistency)

1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar (raw with The Mother is preferable)

1 teaspoon Natural/Probiotic yoghurt

1 teaspoon Honey


Mix the ingredients together in a bowl, the consistency should be fairly thick so that it adheres to the skin nicely and doesn't drip, you can adjust the consistency if required with some more oatmeal to thicken or yoghurt to loosen it. Spread onto the face avoiding the eye area and leave for around 15 - 20 minutes until it has started to dry and then wash off gently with a damp cloth and warm water. Finish with a mild moisturiser/jojoba oil or similar.

Honestly, this can be a bit messy and you'll definitely need to clean your sink afterwards but it's worth it for the soft, clean and calm skin you'll be left with.

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